
What is keyword cannibalization and how does it affect your blog?

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Positioning is a multi-step process that involves improving the position of a selected website in Google search. Usually positioning is outsourced to an agency, less often to a freelancer, and even more rarely done personally. A fresh website with no history in Google usually lands at the bottom of the list – points out SEO specialist of Phoenix SEO company, reminding at the same time that the main goal of positioning e-commerce is to bring a chosen subpage to the top of the results for a key phrase. This process, despite its many advantages, also has some very significant drawbacks, the biggest of which is a huge number of pitfalls and easy mistakes to make. Some of them, in a mild case, can only slow down the SEO process, and some of them can completely remove a site from the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Today, we’re going to address the concept of keyword cannibalization by speaking with an expert from Phoenix SEO company and Houston SEO Services company.

What is SEO based on?

Google’s algorithm calculates the position of each page based on data obtained by Google’s indexing robots, which constantly scour the entire Internet for new pages and content updates on existing ones. Google’s bots are fully automated, a Houston SEO services web analyst tells us. They pull information from all sites to improve search results and provide Internet users with exactly what they are looking for (what they type into the search box). The robots deliver this data to Google’s algorithm, which in turn evaluates the relevance of a given page for a selected keyword and performs extremely complex calculations that lead to an evaluation and estimated position for that keyword phrase. Among the basic activities of positioning it is worth mentioning:

SEO audit, which consists of a thorough analysis of the entire website in terms of the scope of further work. Thanks to it, positioners and developers are able to prepare a detailed outline of the campaign and keyword strategy. It is also possible to select an engine corresponding to the type of site, e.g. Etsy SEO, which will be perfect for a site of e-commerce activity. Etsy SEO is recommended by numerous agencies, including guest Houston SEO Services, or Phoenix SEO company, because of its ability to work on it even by an entrepreneur who does not have much experience with SEO. The Etsy SEO platform is extremely affordable, easy to use, and provides a responsive website that works without problems

On-site actions, which consist in introducing all required changes to the source code of the website. This stage is long and complicated because it involves up to several hundred individual actions, each of which is equally important in terms of results, explains Webmaster Phoenix SEO company.

Off-site activities, i.e. conducted outside the positioned website. They include building the largest possible base of backlinks, thanks to which a given website will achieve good results in Google rankings much faster.

Key importance of keyword strategy

It is important for a given website to accurately answer the question asked by an Internet user typed into the Google search box. Therefore, it is worthwhile to develop keywords as precisely as possible, because the effectiveness of the entire positioning depends on them. Keywords should be:

  • specific, preferably long-tail,
  • matched to the selected subpage and describing its actual content,
  • diverse in relation to the whole website.

Many novice positioners attract customers to the site with inappropriate keywords, which in effect increase the popularity of the site for a few moments, but without any value, notes the Houston SEO Services positioner. Moreover, in the long run, the effects of such actions are usually dramatic. Why? Let’s take a look at a certain keyword phrase:

  • clothing store

The phrase is very broad, so usually its effectiveness leaves much to be desired, despite huge investments. The phrase is very popular and you have to “fight” for it with much larger corporations that have basically unlimited resources. Your website will be visited by women who are looking for handbags and slim jeans, men who are looking for suits or parents who are looking for clothes for their children. It is worth to specify the phrase and describe the content of a given subpage (not the whole website), e.g:

  • white long sleeve men’s shirt,
  • wide silk ties,
  • children’s clothing for boys,
  • and many others.

This way, only people interested in the content will get to the selected subpage.

Keyword cannibalization – a mistake you must avoid

You also need to know what keyword cannibalization is and how to avoid it. This mistake consists in duplicating key phrases within a given website and is usually an oversight committed completely unconsciously. It is worth illustrating it with an example. It is troublesome, for example, to use the phrase “Nike men’s shoes 43” within all the shoes of this brand in this size. It is worthwhile to distinguish between different models and use the phrase “Nike men’s shoes 43 red Air Max” and “Nike men’s shoes 43 green Roshe”.

Google’s algorithm can’t properly judge which subpage is more important, so it excludes duplicates from its lists, and you lose traffic that way. Invest resources in the right tools that will save you from making this mistake, which is especially common for sites with a very large number of available goods.

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  • Marianne Flynn 29.08.2022

    In order to detect all the mistakes on the website you mention, it is worth conducting an audit. Personally, instead of the traditional SEO audit, I recommend the SXO audit, which allows you to pay attention not only to SEO mistakes, but also all irregularities related to the user experience. During the SXO audit, attention is paid to such elements as page loading speed, responsiveness for mobile devices or appropriate content quality. Therefore, it will allow you to spot all errors and fix it quickly, so that your website can maintain its position in the search results.

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